presented by Acoustic Learning

Richard III

Act 5, Scene 1

Salisbury. An open place.
[Enter the Sheriff, and BUCKINGHAM, with halberds, led to execution]
            ,      ,    ,                 ,           ,
      Will not | King Rich/ard let | me speak | with him?
       ,              ,           ,        ,    ,
      No my | good* lord,| therefore | be pa|tient.
       ,       2       ,           ,          ,         ,
      Hastings, and | Edward's | children,| Gray and | Rivers,
       ,           ,       ,          ,         ,      ->
      Holy | King^Hen|ry, and | thy fair | son^Ed||ward,
        ,        ,     ,           ,       ,
      Vaugh|an, and | all that | have mis|carried
          ,      ,        ,        ,        ,       ->
      By und|erhand | corrupt|ed foul | injust||ice,
       ,       2      ,      ,      ,        ,
      If | that your moo|dy dis|content|ed souls,
       ,                  ,         ,          ,         ,
      Do through | the clouds | behold | this pres|ent hour,
        x             ,      ,           ,      ,
      Even for | revenge | mock my | destruc|tion.
          2    ,     T     T    T      3  3    ,
      This is All-|Souls' day (fel|low) is it not?
                                                   It is.
       ,          T    T     T      2    ,        ,         ->
      Why then | All-Souls' day,| is my bo|dy's dooms||day*.
        ,      2     ,      ,              ,          ,
      This | is the day,| which in | King^Ed|ward's time
           ,             ,        ,        ,         ,
      I wished | might fall | on me,| when I | was found
        ,              ,         ,          ,       ,
      False to | his child|ren, and | his wife's | allies,
        ,            ,          ,        ,          ,
      This is | the day,| wherein | I wished | to fall
        2      ,       ,         ,             ,      ,
      By the false | faith of | him whom | I most | trusted.
        ,           T    T     T      2     ,        ,
      This, this | All-Souls' day | to my fear|ful soul,
       ,          ,         ,        ,         ,
      Is the | deter|mined res|pite of | my wrongs:
             ,     T   Tx     T        ,         ,
      That high | All-Seer, which | I dal|lied with,
              ,          ,        ,      ,        ,
      Hath turned | my feign|ed pray|er on | my head,
            x          ,         ,         ,          ,
      And given | in earn|est, what | I begged | in jest.
        ,              ,            ,          ,      ,
      Thus doth | he force | the swords | of wick|ed men
           ,           ,       ,     2         ,         ,
      To turn | their own | points on their | masters'| bosoms.
           ,    2       ,       ,    ,               ,
      Now Marg|aret's curse | falls hea/vy on | my neck:
            ,          ,            ,           ,             x
      When he |(quoth^she)| shall split | thy heart | with sorrow,
         ,        ,   2    ,        ,      ,
      Remem|ber Marg|aret was | a proph|etess:
             ,        ,     ,      2      ,          ,
      Come^lead | me^of|ficers | to the block | of shame,
        ,                ,           ,          ,         ,
      Wrong hath | but wrong,| and blame | the due | of blame.

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