presented by Acoustic Learning

Timon of Athens

Act III, Scene 3

A room in Sempronius' house.
[Enter SEMPRONIUS, and a Servant of TIMON's]
        ,         ,     ,            ,      ___
      Must he | needs trou/ble me | in it?| Hum.
         T   T     T
      'Bove all others?  \\
           ,            ,       ,   ,         2    ,
      He might | have tried | Lord Luc/ius, or Lu|cullus,
           ,        ,    ,         ,      ,
      And now | Venti|gius | is wealth|y too,
        ,            ,           ,        ,     ___
      Whom he | redeemed | from pris|on. All | these
       ,              ,      ,      T
      Owe their | estates | unto | him.
                                        T   T
                                       My lord,
        ,          ,            ,             T     T   Tx
      They have | all been | touched, and | found base metal,
            ,          ,        ,
      For they | have all | denied | him.  \\
       ,     ,              ,
      How? Have / they de|nied him?  \\
       ,       ,  2     ,      ,     2    ,
      Has vent|igius | and Lu|cullus de|nied him,
            ,         ,        ,    ___    ___
      And does | he send | to me?| Three?| Hum?
           ,          ,        ,         ,         x
      It shows | but lit|tle love,| or judg|ment in him.
           ,     2      ,     ,              ,        ,       ,
      Must^I | be his last | refuge?| His friends |(like phy|sicians)
         T      T   .   Tx      ,        ,          ,     ,
      Thrive, give him over:| must I | take the | cure u|pon me? (hex with prev?)
            ,          ,          x          ,    2    ,
      Has much | disgraced | me in it,| I'm ang|ry at him,
             ,            ,          ,        ,         ,         2   ->
      That might | have known | my place.| I see | no sense || for it,
       ,       2   ,        ,            ,          ,
      But | his occa|sion might | have wooed | me first:
           ,       ,           ,               ,    ,
      For in | my con|science, I | was the / first man
            ,       ,        ,          ,    oo
      That ere | receiv|ed gift | from him.|
            ,         ,          ,     2    ,       ,
      And does | he think | so back|wardly of | me now,
             ,        ,           ,    __   oo
      That I'll | requite | its last?| No:|
        x           ,         ,     ,         ,
      So it may*| prove an | argu|ment of | laughter
        2      ,     T      T     T           ,          ,
      To the rest,| and 'mongst lords | be thought | a fool:
            ,       ,          ,           ,          ,
      I'd rath|er than | the worth | of thrice | the sum,
            ,              ,     ,                ,     ,
      Had sent | to me / first, but | for my / mind's sake:
            ,        ,     2    ,         ,          ,
      I'd such | a cour|age to do | him good.| But now return,  ????
            ,            ,        ,          ,        ,
      And with | their faint | reply,| this ans|wer join;
            ,           ,       ,           ,         ,
      Who bates | mine hon|or shall | not know | my coin.
Excellent: your lordship's a goodly villain: the devil knew not what he did, when he made man politic; he crossed himself by it: and I cannot think, but in the end, the villainies of man will set him clear. How fairly this lord strives to appear foul: takes virtuous copies to be wicked: like those, that under hot ardent zeal, would set whole realms on fire, of such a nature is his politic love.
        ,     2        T     T    T         ,          ,
      This was my | lord's best hope,| now all | are fled
            ,            ,    ,           ,            ,
      Save^on|ly the / gods. Now | his friends | are dead,
        ,                 ,        ,         ,            ,
      Doors that | were nere | acquaint|ed with | their wards
       ,         ,    2     ,      ,            ,
      Many | a bount|eous year,| must be | employed
       ,         T     T    T      ,       oo
      Now to | guard sure their | master:|
            ,        ,       ,   2      ,         ,
      And this | is all | a lib|eral course | allows,
           ,        ,           ,            ,          ,
      Who can|not keep | his wealth,| must keep | his house.

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