presented by Acoustic Learning


Act I, Scene 2

A camp near Forres.
[Alarum within. Enter DUNCAN, MALCOLM, DONALBAIN, LENNOX, with Attendants, meeting a bleeding Sergeant]
             ,      ,         ,     ,           ,
      What bloo|dy man | is that?| He can | report,
           ,       ,          ,      ,           ,
      As seem|eth by | his plight,| of the | revolt
           ,        ,
      The new|est^state.
                            ,            ,     ,
                          This is | the ser|geant,
             ,        ,         ,      ,          ,
      Who* like | a good | and har|dy sol|dier fought
        ,             ,    ,     T    T      T
      Gainst my | captiv|ity:| Hail brave friend;
       ,             ,          ,         ,         ,
      Say to | the king,| the know|ledge of | the broil,
       T   T    T       ,
      As thou didst | leave it.
                                  ,             ,
                                Doubtful | it stood,
       .  T    T     T          ,         ,         ,      2->
      As two spent swim|mers, that | do cling | togeth||er,
            ,            ,         ,      ,        ,        ->
      And choke | their^art:| The merc|iless | Macdon||wald*
         ,    2    ,      ,       ,         ,
      (Worth|y to be | a reb|el, for | to that
            ,    ,         x    ,        ,
      The mult|iply|ing villa|nies of | nature
           ,       ,           ,         ,         ,
      Do swarm | upon | him) from | the west|ern isles
           ,          ,       ,       ,        ,
      Of kerns | and gal|lowglas|ses is | supplied,
           ,              ,     ,      ,        ,
      And for|tune, on / his damned | quarry | smiling,
         T     T  .  T         ,           ,           ,
      Showed like a reb|el's whore:| but all's | too^weak:
            ,          ,      ,            ,            ,
      For brave | Macbeth |(well he | deserves | that name)
           ,       ,          ,          ,           ,
      Disdain|ing for|tune, with | his brand|ished steel,
               ,            ,      ,   ,    ,
      Which^smoked | with bloo|dy ex|ecu|tion
             ,        ,          ,      ,         ,
      (Like^val|or's min|ion) carved | out his | passage,
        ,         ,           ,
      Till | he faced | the slave:   \\
              ,            ,           ,          ,     ,
      Which nere | shook^hands,| nor bade | farewell | to him,
        ,            ,           ,          ,      2      ,
      Till he | unseamed | him from | the nave | to the chops,
            ,           ,      ,         ,       ,
      And fixed | his head | upon | our bat|tlements.
         ,   2     ,        ,       ,      ,
      O val|iant cous|in, worth|y gent|leman.
            ,          ,      ,            ,    ,
      As whence | the sun | gins his | reflec|tion,
        T    T   .     T           ,        ,
      Ship wrecking storms,| and dire|ful thun|ders:  ??
      <- ,      T    T     T             ,          ,          ,
        So || from that spring,| whence com|fort seemed | to come,
       ,             ,       T    T   .   T          ,
      Discom|fort swells:| Mark king of Scot|land, mark,
          ,       ,        ,          ,       ,
      No soon|er just|ice had,| with val|or armed,
            ,             ,         ,          ,             ,
      Compelled | these^skip|ping kerns | to trust | their heels,
       ,     2     ,        ,        ,        ,
      But the Nor|weyan | lord, sur|veying | vantage,
            ,           ,         ,         ,         ,
      With furb|ished arms,| and new | supplies | of men,
         ,        ,         ,
      Began | a fresh | assault.  \\
Dismayed not this our captains, Macbeth and Banquo?
       ,          ,         ,
      Yes, as | sparrows,| eagles;
       ,         ,          ,
      Or the | hare, the | lion:   (trimeter with prev)
       . T  T    T         ,        ,           ,
      If I say sooth,| I must | report | they were
          ,        ,      ,             ,        ,
      As can|nons ov|ercharged | with doub|le cracks,
        2       ,    2   ,          ,        ,         ,
      So they doub|ly redoub|led strokes | upon | the foe:
          ,           ,          ,          ,         ,
      Except | they meant | to bathe | in reek|ing wounds,
          ,     ,      ,       ,     ,
      Or mem|orize | anoth|er Gol|gotha,
         ,        ,        ,        ,
      I can|not tell:| but I | am faint,
           ,      ,          ,    oo
      My gash|es cry | for help.|        (tetrameter with prev)
           ,          ,         ,          ,          ,
      So^well | thy words | become | thee as | thy wounds,
             ,         ,       ,     ,    2       ,
      They smack | of hon|or both.| Go get him | surgeons.
       T    T     T
      Who comes here?
[Exit Sergeant, attended. Enter ROSS]
                               ,        ,          ,
                          The worth|y Thane | of Ross.
        ,        T     T      T            ,    oo
      What a | haste looks through | his eyes?|
            ,          ,           ,          ,               ,
      So should | he look,| that seems | to speak | things^strange.
             ,          ,
      God* save | the king.
                                     ,            ,        ,
                            Whence camst | thou, worth|y Thane?
             ,            ,
      From Fife,| great^king,  (pickup??)
        ,             ,      ,         ,          ,
      Where the | Norwey|an ban|ners flout | the sky,
                                  ,         ,        ,
                             And fan | our peo|ple cold. (picked up??)
       ,            ,      ,   ,           ,
      Norway | himself,| with ter/rible | numbers,
          ,      ,          ,        ,         x
      Assist|ed by | that most | disloy|al traitor,
            ,       ,         ,     ,      ,
      The Thane of Cawdor, began a dismal conflict,  ????
        ,             ,        ,     T       T    .   T
      Till that | Bellon|a's bride|groom, lapped in proof,
           ,       ,           ,       ,     ,
      Confront|ed him | with self-|compar|isons,
        T   .   T     T        ,    2    ,            ,
      Point against point,| rebel|lious arm | gainst^arm,
       ,             ,         x      ,            ,
      Curbing | his lav|ish spirit:| and to | conclude,
            ,   2    ,        ,
      The vict|ory fell | on us.
                                    ,    ,
                                  Great hap/piness.
            ,     ,           ,          ,
      That now | Sweno,| the Nor|ways'^king,
      <-  __       ,     ,
        Craves || compo|sition:  \\
            ,          ,          ,   2   ,        ,
      Nor would | we deign | him bur|ial of | his men,
            ,        ,             ,    ,         ,
      Till he | disburs|ed, at / Saint Col|me's inch,
             ,        ,         ,         ,       ,
      Ten* thous|and dol|lars, to | our gene|ral use.
            ,           ,         ,        ,         ,
      No* more | that Thane | of Caw|dor shall | deceive
            x      ,           2      ,           ,        ,
      Our bosom | interest:| go pronounce | his pres|ent death,  ??
       ,              ,       ,       ,          ,
      And with | his form|er tit|le greet | Macbeth.
            ,         ,
      I'll see | it done.  \\
            ,          ,     ,           ,          ,
      What he | hath lost,| noble | Macbeth | hath won.

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