presented by Acoustic Learning

King Lear

Act IV, Scene 4

The same. A tent.
[Enter, with drum and colors, CORDELIA, Doctor, and Soldiers]
         ,          ,    ,     2       T   Tx   T
      Alack,| 'tis he:| why, he was | met even now
          ,               ,    ,      ,          ,
      As mad | as the / vexed sea,| singing | aloud,
         ,             ,   ,              ,        ,
      Crowned with | rank fum/iter,| and fur|row-weeds,
            ,          ,    T     Tx       T        x
      With har|dokes,^hem|lock, nettles, cuck|oo-flowers,
       ,            ,         ,      ,            ,
      Darnel,| and all | the id|le weeds | that grow
          ,        ,         ,       ,    3    3    ,
      In our | sustain|ing corn.| A cen|tury send^forth;  ????
              ,      ,                ,    ,     ,
      Search^eve|ry ac|re in the // high-grown field,
            ,          ,        ,        2      ,      ,
      And bring | him to | our eye.| What can man's | wisdom
        3   3    ,         2      ,     ,      ,          ,
      In the restor|ing his be/reaved sense;| he that | helps him,
            ,        ,         ,
      Take^all | my out|ward worth.
                                         2     ,      ,
                                    There is means | madam:
           ,        ,         ,        ,       ,
      Our fos|ter nurse | of na|ture, is | repose,
            ,          ,       ,            ,        ,
      The which | he lacks:| that to | provoke | in him
           ,     ,        ,      ,            x
      Are man|y simp|les ope|rative,| whose power
             ,          ,        ,      2
      Will close | the eye | of ang|uish.
                                               ,      ,
                                         All^blest | secrets,
       ,           ,          ,        ,         ,
      All you | unpub|lished vir|tues of | the earth
         ,               ,      ,  ,          2    ,  2
      Spring with | my tears;| be ai/dant, and re|mediate
        2      ,      ,        T      T     T         ,
      In the good | man's de|sires: Seek, seek | for him,
        ,           ,          ,         ,           ,
      Lest his | ungov|erned rage,| dissolve | the life
             ,           ,          ,
      That wants | the means | to lead | it.
[Enter a Messenger]
                                               ,     ,
                                             News | madam,
            ,         x           ,         ,      ,
      The Brit|ish powers | are march|ing hith|erward.
             ,         ,          ,    ,         ,
      'Tis known | before.| Our prep|ara|tion stands
          ,     ,     2     ,         ,     ,
      In ex|pecta|tion of them.| O* dear | father,
             ,   ,               ,    ,     ,         ,      ,
      It is thy business that I go about: Therefore great France  ????
           ,           x        ,       ,           ,
      My mourn|ing, and^im|portuned | tears hath | pitied:
           ,        ,        ,          ,        ,
      No blown | ambi|tion doth | our arms | incite,
       .    T     T    T       2     ,      ,          ,
      But love, dear love,| and our ag|ed fath|er's rite:
        T   T  T     ,          ,        oo
      Soon may I | hear, and | see him.|

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