presented by Acoustic Learning

King Lear

Act III, Scene 6

A chamber in a farmhouse adjoining the castle.
Here is better than the open air, take it thankfully: I will piece out the comfort with what addition I can: I will not be long from you.
All the power of his wits, have given way to his impatience: the gods reward your kindness.
Frateretto calls me, and tells me Nero is an angler in the lake of darkness: pray innocent, and beware the foul fiend.
Prithee nuncle tell me, whether a madman be a gentleman, or a yeoman?
A king, a king.
No, he's a yeoman, that has a gentleman to his son: for he's a mad yeoman that sees his son a gentleman before him.
           ,        ,               ,    ,        ,
      To have | a thous|and with / red burn|ing spits
            ,        ,    x
      Come his|sing in | upon 'em,
       .    T     T     T         ,
      The foul fiend bites | my back.  (tri with prev)
He's mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse's health, a boy's love, or a whore's oath.
           ,          ,    ,            ,              ,
      It shall | be done;| I will | arraign | them straight.
             ,           ,            ,       ,    ,
      Come* sit | thou here,| most learn|ed just|icer;
            ,  2     ,          ,         ,          x
      Thou sap|ient sir,| sit^here.| Now^you | she foxes.
        ,                ,            ,     oo
      Look where | he stands | and glares.|
         ,            ,        ,       ,
      Wantst thou | eyes at | trial,| madam?
            ,          ,      ,          ,
      Come^ore | the bourn | Bessy,| to me.   (tetra with prev two)
           ,             __
      Her boat hath | a leak,
           ,              ,
      And she must^|not speak
      <-             ,               ,         __
        Why || she dares not | come^over | to thee.
The foul fiend haunts poor Tom in the voice of a nightingale. Hopdance cries in Tom's belly for two white herring. Croak not, black angel; I have no food for thee.
           ,        ,      ,          ,          ,
      How do | you sir?| Stand you | not so | amazed:
          2     ,      ,          ,     ,          ,
      Will you lie | down and | rest u|pon the | cushions?
            ,            x       ,      ,               ,  2
      I'll see | their trial | first. Bring / in the | evidence*.
            ,      ,         ,         ,          ,
      Thou rob|ed man | of just|ice, take | thy place;
            ,          ,    ,           ,    ,
      And thou,| his yoke-|fellow | of eq|uity,
        ,     2        T    T   T     ,    2     ,
      Bench by his | side: you are | of the com|mission,
       T   T   T
      Sit you too.
                    T   T   T      ,
                   Let us deal | justly.
        ,            ,        ,     ,        ,
      Sleepest | or wak|est thou,| jolly | shepherd?
            ,         ,         ,    oo
      Thy sheep | be in | the corn;|
                 ,    ,       2     ,   2     ,
      And for / one blast | of thy min|ikin mouth,
            ,             ,    __    __
      Thy sheep | shall take | no | harm.
      ___        ,         ,    oo
      Pur,| the cat | is gray.|
Arraign her first; 'tis Goneril. I here take my oath before this honorable assembly, she kicked the poor king her father.
Come hither, mistress. Is your name Goneril?
She cannot deny it.
Cry you mercy, I took you for a joint-stool.
             ,       ,                 ,     ,          ,
      And here's | anoth|er, whose^/warped looks | proclaim
             ,           ,          ,          ,          ,
      What store | her heart | is made | on. Stop | her there,
        T     T     T       ,        ,          2      ,
      Arms, arms, sword,| fire. Cor|ruption | in the place.
        ,     ,          ,               ,           ,
      False just/icer,| why hast | thou let | her 'scape?
       ___    ___    __     __    oo
      Bless | thy | five | wits.|
         ,      ,      ,             ,         ,
      O pit|y: Sir,| where is | the pa|tience now
             ,        ,           ,       ,       ,
      That thou | so oft | have boast|ed to | retain?
           ,        ,         ,          ,         ,
      My tears | begin | to take | his part | so much,
               ,         ,       ,
      They'll mar | my count|erfeit|ing.  \\
           ,        ,         ,
      The lit|tle dogs,| and all:  \\
        T      T     .    T      T     T     T      ,    2
      Tray, Blanch, and sweet-|heart: see, they | bark at me*.
       ,           ,           ,    2          ,
      Tom will | throw his | head at them:| avaunt | you
      <-  ,      ,         ,          ,         ___
        Curs,|| be thy | mouth or | black or | white:
        ,           ,         ,       __
      Tooth that | poisons | if it | bite:
       ,          T     T    T          ,
      Mastiff,| grey-hound, mon|grel, grim,
        ,          ,         ,         ___
      Hound or | spaniel,| brach, or | hym:
          ,         ,          ,        ,
      Or bob|tail^right,| or trun|dle-tail,
       ,           ,           ,         __
      Tom will | make them | weep and | wail,
       ,           ,          ,        __
      For with | throwing | thus my | head,
        T    T    .    T          ,          ,
      Dogs leapt the hatch,| and all | are fled.
           ,       ,   ,             ,        ,         ,
      Do, de, de, de. Sessa: Come, march to wakes and fairs,  ????
            ,       ,           ,          ,        ,
      And mark|et-towns:| poor Tom | thy horn | is dry.
Then let them anatomize Regan; see what breeds about her heart. Is there any cause in nature that makes these hard hearts. You sir, I entertain for one of my hundred; only, I do not like the fashion of your garments. You will say they are Persian; but let them be changed.
Now good my lord, lie here, and rest awhile.
Make no noise, make no noise, draw the curtains: so, so, we'll go to supper in he morning.
And I'll go to bed at noon.
            ,         ,
      Come^hith|er friend:
                             ,     2        ,        ,
                           Where is the | king my | master?
        ,              ,     2     ,          ,          ,
      Here sir,| but troub|le him not,| his wits | are gone.
               ,         ,        ,         ,         ,
      Good* friend,| I prith|ee take | him in | thy arms;
       2      ,    ,         ,         ,      ,
      I have ore|heard a | plot of | death u|pon him:
        ,           ,       ,       ,          x
      There is | a lit|ter rea|dy, lay | him in it,
       .    T      T     T        ,              ,            ,
      And drive towards Dov|er friend,| where* thou | shalt meet
        ,   ,           2     ,          ,    2       ,
      Both wel/come, and pro|tection.| Take up thy | master,
           ,              ,       ,         ,          ,
      If thou | shouldst dal|ly half | an hour,| his life
             ,          ,          ,       2     ,   ,
      With thine,| and all | that of|fer to de/fend him,
        ,           ,       ,          ,         ,
      Stand in | assur|ed loss.| Take^up,| take^up,
           ,       ,     ,      2       ,       ,
      And fol|low me,| that will to | some pro|vision
        ,           T    T   T
      Give thee | quick conduct.
          ,       ,         ,
      Oppres|sed na|ture sleeps:  (tri with prev)
             ,           ,            ,            x      ,
      This rest | might^yet | have balmed | thy broken | senses,
        ,             ,     ,          ,       ,
      Which, if | conven|ience | will not | allow,
        T    .   T    T
      Stand in hard cure.   \\
       __      ,         ,         ,       oo
      Come,| help to | bear thy | master;|
             ,          ,        ,
      Thou must | not stay | behind.
                                       T     T   . T
                                     Come, come, away.
[Exeunt all but EDGAR]
            ,        ,        ,      ,             ,
      When we | our bet|ters see | bearing | our woes,
            ,        ,          ,     ,          ,
      We scarce|ly think | our mis|eries | our foes.
       T  .  T   T         ,        ,      2      ,
      Who alone suf|fers suf|fers most | in the mind,
       ,          T     T    .   T       ,         ,
      Leaving | free things and hap|py shows | behind:
            ,          ,          ,    2       ,          ,
      But then | the mind | much suf|ferance doth | ore^skip,
             ,            ,           ,       ,       ,
      When grief | hath mates,| and bear|ing fel|lowship.
            ,           ,    ,         ,           ,
      How light | and port|able | my pain | seems^now,
             ,            ,          ,      T    .    T   T
      When that | which makes | me bend | makes the king bow,
           ,       ,       ,         ,      ,
      He chil|ded as | I fath|ered. Tom | away.
        T   .    T    T       ,         ,        ,
      Mark the high nois|es, and | thyself | bewray,
             ,       ,                ,      ,          ,           o
      When false | opin|ion, whose^/wrong thought | defiles | thee,
                 ,    ,         ,          ,      ,           o
      In thy / just proof,| repeals | and rec|onciles | thee.    (hex with prev)
                   ,    ,        ,       T     T    .    T
      What will / hap more | tonight,| safe 'scape the king.
       __     __
      Lurk,| lurk.  \\

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