presented by Acoustic Learning


Act II, Scene 5

Another room in Philario's house.
        2       ,    ,         ,        ,         ,
      Is there no | way for | men to | be, but | women
        ,         ,    ,                 ,     ,
      Must be | half-work/ers? We | are all | bastards,
       .    T    T   T    ,      ,          ,
      And that most ven|era|ble man,| which I
            ,         ,       ,        ,          ,
      Did call | my fath|er, was,| I know | not where
           ,          ,        ,    ,                   ,
      When I | was stamped.| Some coin/er with | his tools
        ,    2     ,             ,        ,         ,
      Made me a | counter|feit: yet | my moth|er seemed
           ,     ,          ,         ,         ,
      The Di|an of | that time:| so doth | my wife
           ,      ,         ,         ,           ,         ->
      The non|pareil | of this.| Oh venge|ance, venge||ance!
       ,     2    ,        ,        ,          ,
      Me | of my law|ful pleas|ure she | restrained,
             ,         ,        ,          ,         ,
      And prayed | me oft | forbear|ance: did | it with
         ,   2     ,    ,           ,       ,    2
      A pud|ency* so | rosy,| the sweet | view on it
        ,       2          T    T   T         ,         ,          2->
      Might well have | warmed old Sat|urn; that | I thought || her
            ,      .  T   T     T        ,           x
      As chaste,| as unsunned snow.| Oh^all | the devils!
            ,        ,    ,     2     ,          ,
      This yel|low Iach|imo,| in an hour,| wast not?
           ,         ,           ,          ,      ,
      Or less;| at first?| Perchance | he spoke | not, but
        T  .   T   T         ,       ,       ,
      Like a full-ac|orned^boar,| a Ger|man one,
        T    T   .    T         ,         ,    ,      2->
      Cried oh, and mount|ed; found | no op|posi||tion
            ,          ,      ,                ,         ,
      But what | he looked | for, should | oppose,| and she
         ,              ,        ,           ,         ,
      Should from | encount|er guard.| Could I | find^out
           ,         ,        ,      2         ,    ,
      The wom|an's part | in me,| for there's no | motion
             ,          ,        ,        ,       ,
      That tends | to vice | in man,| but I | affirm
          ,        ,         ,      2    ,          x
      It is | the wom|an's part:| be it ly|ing, note it,
           ,          ,     2      ,       ,          ,
      The wom|an's: flat|tering, hers;| deceiv|ing, hers:
        T    .    T      T        T     T    .  T       ,
      Lust, and rank thoughts,| hers, hers; reveng|es hers;
         ,         ,     2       ,           ,          ,
      Ambi|tions, cov|etings, change | of prides,| disdain,
             ,         ,         ,    ,    ,
      Nice^long|ing, sland|ers, mut|abil|ity,
             ,             ,     ,           __     ___
      All* faults | that name,| nay, that | hell | knows,
            ,        ,         ,         ,       ,
      Why hers,| in part,| or all;| but rath|er all.
            x         ,
      For even | to vice   ????
                  ,    ,         ,          ,         ,
      They are / not const|ant, but | are chang|ing still;
       T    T    T      2   ,       ,         ,
      One vice, but | of a min|ute old,| for one
            ,        ,         ,           ,      x
      Not half | so old | as that.| I'll write | against them,
          ,            ,            ,          ,        ,
      Detest | them, curse | them: yet |'tis great|er skill
               ,    ,         ,           ,            ,
      In a / true hate,| to pray | they have | their will:
           ,       x      ,          ,           ,
      The ve|ry devils | cannot | plague them | better.

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