presented by Acoustic Learning

Antony and Cleopatra

Act III, Scene 1

A plain in Syria.
[Enter VENTIDIUS as it were in triumph, with SILIUS, and other Romans, Officers, and Soldiers; the dead body of PACORUS borne before him.]
            ,        ,    2  ,            ,          ,
      Now dart|ing parth|ia art | thou struck,| and now
         ,     ,                  ,       ,         ,
      Pleased for/tune does^|of Marc|us Cras|sus' death
        ,    2    ,         T   .     T     T      ,
      Make me re|venger.| Bear the king's son's | body,
          ,         ,   2     ,   3  3  ,
      Before | our^ar|my thy Pac|orus Oro|des,
      <-  ,         2     ,        ,
        Pays || this for Mar|cus Cras|sus.
                                            ,       ,   ,  2
                                           nob|le vent|idius,
              ,           ,    2    ,           ,          ,
      Whilst yet | with parth|ian blood | thy sword | is warm,
           ,   2      ,     2   ,         ,             ,   2  ->
      The fug|itive parth|ians fol|low. Spur | through Med||ia,
       ,   2  ,  2    ,          ,          ,      2->
      Mes|opotam|ia, and | the shelt|ers, whith|er
            ,      ,      2      ,      ,         ,  2
      The rout|ed fly.| So thy grand | captain | Antony
             ,          ,       ,         ,   2     ,
      Shall set | thee on | triumph|ant char|iots, and
            ,        ,         ,
      Put garl|ands on | thy head.
          ,   2    ,   ,
      Oh Sil|ius, Sil|ius,  (tri with prev)
       2       ,       ,         x       T     T    T
      I have done | enough.| A lower | place note well
             ,          ,         ,          ,           ,    2  ->
      May* make | too great | an act.| For learn | this^Sil||ius,
       ,     2     ,         ,          ,         ,
      Bet|ter to leave | undone,| than by | our deed
          ,           ,        ,          ,          ,        ,
      Acquire | too high | a fame,| when him | we serve's | away.
       ,            ,    ,        ,      ,
      Caesar | and Ant|ony,| have ev|er won
        ,    2         ,    ,           ,        ,   2
      More in their | offi|cer, than | person.| Sossius
       ,    2       ,         ,       ,        ,
      One of my | place in | Syria,| his lieu|tenant,
            ,        ,    ,       ,       ,
      For quick | accum|ula|tion of | renown,
        ,     2     ,      2       ,         ,         ,
      Which he a|chieved by the | minute,| lost his | favor.
            ,      2      ,      ,              ,        ,
      Who does | in the wars | more than | his cap|tain can,
          ,          ,          ,         ,       ,      2->
      Becomes | his cap|tain's cap|tain: and | ambi||tion
            ,          ,        ,     2         ,          ,
      (The sol|dier's vir|tue) rath|er makes^choice | of loss
             ,           ,        ,
      Than gain,| which dark|ens him.  \\
          ,          ,        ,      ,   2    ,
      I could | do more | to do | Anton|ius good,
              ,         ,          ,        ,        ,
      But 'twould | offend | him. And | in his | offense,
              ,       ,         ,
      Should my | perform|ance per|ish.   \\
Thou hast Ventidius that, without the which a soldier and his sword grants scarce distinction: thou wilt write to Antony.
            ,       ,     ,              ,    ,
      I'll hum|bly sig|nify | what in / his name,
            ,   2     ,        ,     ,     2    ,
      That mag|ical word | of war | we have ef|fected,
       ,      2       ,         ,          T    T    T
      How with his | banners,| and his | well-paid ranks,
            ,        ,        ,         ,     ,
      The nere-|yet-beat|en horse | of part|hia,
        2      ,      ,      2      ,
      We have jad|ed out | of the field.
                                           ,            ,
                                         Where is | he now?
          ,      ,        ,         ,               ,    ,
      He pur|poseth | to Ath|ens, whith|er with / what haste ????
             ,          ,        ,        2      ,        ,
      The weight | we must | convey | with us, will | permit:
       ,      2     ,       ,         T   T      T       ,
      We shall ap|pear be|fore him.| On there, pass | along.  ????

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