presented by Acoustic Learning

Sonnet 127

                ,   ,      ,               ,        ,
      In the / old age | black was | not count|ed fair,
          ,        ,         ,          ,         ,
      Or if | it were | it bore | not beaut|y's name;
           ,         ,       ,            ,         ,
      But now | is black | beauty's | succes|sive heir,
            ,       ,          ,       ,         ,
      And beaut|y sland|ered with | a bast|ard shame,
            ,            ,          ,        ,          x
      For since | each^hand | hath put | on Na|ture's power,
        ,    2        ,           T     T    T          ,    
      Fairing the | foul with | Art's false bor|rowed face,
               ,       ,         ,        ,      x
      Sweet* beaut|y hath | no name | no ho|ly bower,
           ,        ,         ,           ,        ,
      But is | profaned,| if not | lives^in | disgrace.
             ,        ,           ,         ,       ,
      Therefore | my mist|ress' eyes | are rav|en black,
            ,          ,       ,           ,         ,
      Her eyes | so* suit|ed, and | they mour|ners seem
           ,         ,            ,         ,       ,
      At such | who not | born* fair | no beaut|y lack,
        ,   2         ,        ,        ,         ,
      Slandering | creat|ion with | a false | esteem:
           ,          ,        ,       ,          ,
      Yet so | they mourn | becom|ing of | their woe,
            ,        ,            ,        ,           ,
      That eve|ry tongue | says beaut|y should | look^so.

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