presented by Acoustic Learning

Sonnet 85

       .   T      T    T        ,         ,           ,
      My tongue-tied Muse | in man|ners holds | her still,
             ,         ,           ,      ,            ,
      While com|ments of | your praise | richly | compiled,
          ,           ,     ,          ,        ,
      Reserve | thy char|acter | with gold|en quill,
           ,           ,         ,         ,       ,
      And pre|cious phrase | by all | the Mus|es filed.
          ,               ,              ,        ,             ,
      I think | good* thoughts,| whilst oth|ers write | good* words,
            ,       ,          ,            ,      ,
      And like | unlet|tered clerk | still cry | Amen,
          ,       ,          ,       x         ,
      To eve|ry hymn | that ab|le spirit | affords,
          ,          ,         ,      ,      ,
      In pol|ished form | of well-|refin|ed pen.
        ,              ,         ,         ,         ,
      Hearing | you praised,| I say | tis so,| tis true,
           ,         ,          ,           ,          ,
      And to | the most | of praise | add some|thing more;
            ,        ,         ,              ,        ,
      But that | is in | my thought,| whose love | to you
                ,            ,          ,           ,        ,
      (Though words | come hind|most)^holds | his rank | before,
            ,        ,           ,          ,         ,
      Then oth|ers, for | the breath | of words | respect,
       ,            ,        ,       ,               ,
      Me for | my dumb | thoughts, speak/ing in | effect.

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