presented by Acoustic Learning

Sonnet 82

          ,            ,         ,        ,        ,
      I grant | thou wert | not mar|ried to | my Muse,
            ,          ,          ,     .  T    T    T
      And there|fore mayst | without | attaint ore look
           ,    ,       ,             ,       ,
      The ded|icat|ed words | which writ|ers use
       .    T    T   T          ,        ,       ,
      Of their fair sub|ject, bless|ing eve|ry book.
            ,         ,         ,         ,       ,
      Thou art | as fair | in know|ledge as | in hue,
       ,              ,        ,       ,          ,
      Finding | thy worth | a lim|it past | my praise;
            ,         ,         ,          ,      ,
      And there|fore art | enforced | to seek | anew
             ,        ,                ,   ,    2      ,
      Some fresh|er stamp | of the / time-bet|tering days.
       .   T  T   T          ,           ,        ,
      And do so love;| yet when | they have | devised,
              ,        ,        ,     ,         ,
      What strain|ed touch|es rhet|oric | can lend,
            ,       ,          ,       ,       ,
      Thou tru|ly fair,| wert tru|ly symp|athized
       .   T    T     T                ,   ,          ,
      In true plain words,| by thy / true-tel|ling friend;
                    ,     ,         ,         ,        ,
      And their / gross paint|ing might | be bet|ter used
               ,       T    T     .   T        ,       ,
      Where cheeks | need blood; in thee | it is | abused.

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