presented by Acoustic Learning

Sonnet 60

         ,    2        T     T     T           ,         ,
      Like as the | waves make towards | the peb|bled shore,
       ,           ,        ,       ,          ,
      So do | our min|utes hast|en to | their end;
             ,         ,            ,            ,        ,
      Each^chang|ing place | with that | which^goes | before,
          ,         ,         ,         ,        ,
      In seq|uent toil | all for|wards do | contend.
         ,    ,          ,         ,         ,
      Nativ|ity, | once^in | the main | of light,
         ,           ,    ,         ,       2      ,
      Crawls to | matur|ity,| wherewith | being crowned,
        ,          ,          ,           ,      ,
      Crooked | eclip|ses 'gainst | his glo|ry fight,
           ,            ,          ,          ,         ,
      And Time | that gave | doth^now | his gift | confound.
        ,              ,          ,        ,         ,
      Time doth^|transfix | the flour|ish set | on youth  ??
             ,          ,      ,         ,         ,
      And delves | the par|allels | in beaut|y's brow,
        ,             ,     ,        ,          ,
      Feeds on | the rar|ities | of na|ture's truth,
            ,         ,          ,           ,         ,
      And noth|ing stands | but for | his scythe | to mow:
           ,         ,          ,         ,             ,
      And yet | to times | in hope,| my verse | shall stand
        ,              ,          ,         ,       ,
      Praising | thy worth,| despite | his cru|el hand.

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