presented by Acoustic Learning

Sonnet 53

            ,         ,            ,       ,          ,
      What^is | your sub|stance, where|of are | you made,
            ,                ,     ,        ,         ,
      That mil|lions of / strange shad|ows on | you tend?
             ,      ,          ,      ,          ,
      Since^eve|ry one,| hath eve|ry one,| one^shade,  ??
           ,         ,         ,      ,        ,
      And you | but one,| can eve|ry shad|ow lend.
           ,       ,      ,          ,       ,
      Describe | Adon|is and | the count|erfeit
           ,      ,   ,      ,      ,
      Is poor|ly im|ita|ted aft|er you;
          ,         ,          ,         ,      ,
      On Hel|en's cheek | all^art | of beaut|y set,
           ,        ,         ,           ,       ,
      And you | in Gre|cian tires | are paint|ed new:
        ,               ,          ,       ,         ,
      Speak of | the spring,| and foi|son of | the year,
           ,          ,       ,          ,       ,
      The one | doth^shad|ow of | your beaut|y show,
           ,      ,          ,       ,        ,
      The oth|er as | your boun|ty doth | appear,
           ,        ,       ,        ,          ,
      And you | in eve|ry bles|sed shape | we know.
          ,       ,        ,           ,           ,
      In all | extern|al grace | you have | some part,
       .   T    T    T      T   T   .    T          ,
      But you like none,| none you for* const|ant heart.

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