presented by Acoustic Learning

Sonnet 6

            ,         ,         ,        ,       ,
      Then let | not^wint|er's rag|ged hand | deface
           ,         ,        ,          ,        ,
      In thee | thy sum|mer, ere | thou be | distilled:
        T    T     T      x     ,                     ,
      Make sweet some | vial; treas/ure thou | some^place
            ,          ,         ,              ,    ,
      With beaut|y's treas|ure, ere | it be / self-killed.
            ,        ,        ,       ,   ,
      That use | is not | forbid|den us|ury,
             ,         ,           ,          ,        ,
      Which hap|pies those | that pay | the will|ing loan;
         ,              ,         ,       ,        ,
      That's for | thyself | to breed | anoth|er thee,
          ,      ,    ,            2    ,         ,
      Or ten | times hap/pier, | be it ten | for one;
            ,          ,          ,   2     ,          ,
      Ten^times | thyself | were hap|pier than | thou art,
          ,     .   T    T    T         ,        ,
      If ten | of thine ten times | refig|ured thee:
             ,            ,      ,              ,          ,
      Then what | could death | do if | thou shouldst | depart,
        ,         ,   ,               ,    ,
      Leaving | thee liv/ing in | poster|ity?
       .  T    T     T            ,          ,           ,
      Be not self willed, | for thou | art much | too* fair,
       .  T    T     T    ,                ,             ,
      To be death's con|quest and | make^worms | thine^heir.

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