presented by Acoustic Learning

Henry VI part three

Act IV, Scene 2

A plain in Warwickshire.
[Enter WARWICK and OXFORD, with French soldiers]
        ,             ,         ,      ,          ,
      Trust me,| my lord,| all hith|erto | goes^well,
           ,       ,     2    ,         ,         ,
      The com|mon peo|ple by num|bers swarm | to us.
           ,           ,     ,         ,          ,
      But see | where Som|erset | and Clar|ence comes:
        ,    ,               ,               ,     ,
      Speak sud/denly,| my lords,| are we / all friends?
        T   T    T         ,
      Fear not that,| my lord.    \\
            ,       ,          ,        ,     ,       o
      Then gent|le Clar|ence, wel|come un|to War|wick,
           ,        ,     ,        ,        ,      ,
      And wel|come Som|erset:| I hold | it cow|ardice,  (hex with prev)
           ,         ,          ,        ,       ,
      To rest | mistrust|ful, where | a nob|le heart
              ,         ,      ,         ,         ,
      Hath pawned | an op|en hand,| in sign | of love;
             ,         ,           ,          ,          ,       ->
      Else^might | I think | that Clar|ence, Ed|ward's broth||er,
        ,       2     ,         ,         ,       ,
      Were | but a feigned | friend to | our pro|ceedings:
           ,         ,      ,              ,      3     3     ,
      But wel|come sweet | Clarence,| my daught|er shall be thine.  ??
           ,           ,      ,          ,     ,
      And now,| what rests?| But in | night's cov/erture,
           ,        ,       ,       ,        ,
      Thy broth|er be|ing care|lessly | encamped,
           ,          ,       ,         ,        ,
      His sol|diers lurk|ing in | the towns | about,
           ,       ,       ,      ,        ,
      And but | attend|ed by | a simp|le guard,
          ,         ,           ,     ,    2        ,
      We may | surprise | and take | him at our | pleasure?
             ,            ,        2   ,        ,     ,     ->
      Our scouts | have found | the advent|ure ve|ry ea||sy:
        ,      2  ,               ,    ,    ,
      That | as Ulys|ses, and / stout Di|omede,
              ,           ,         ,          ,        ,
      With sleight | and man|hood stole | to Rhes|us' tents,
             ,              ,           ,        ,        ,
      And brought | from thence | the Thra|cian fat|al steeds;
          ,     ,   ,           2         T      T     Tx
      So we,| well cov/ered with the | night's black mantle,
          ,    ,           ,          ,          ,
      At un|awares | may beat | down^Ed|ward's guard,
            ,          ,       ,            ,        ,
      And seize | himself:| I say | not, slaught|er him,
          ,       ,         ,     ,           x
      For I | intend | but on|ly to | surprise him.
       ,               ,       ,        ,        ,
      You that | will fol|low me | to this | attempt,
          ,           ,        ,   ,      2        ,
      Applaud | the name | of Hen|ry, with your | leader.  ??
[They all cry, Henry!]
            ,           ,        ,        ,        ,
      Why then,| let's on | our way | in sil|ent sort,
           ,        ,           ,       ,                 ,
      For War|wick and | his friends,| God and | Saint^George.

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