presented by Acoustic Learning

Pericles, Prince of Tyre

Act V, Prologue

[Enter GOWER]
         ,      ,          ,          ,           ,      o
      Mari|na thus | the broth|el 'scapes,| and chanc|es
       ,         ,        ,          ,       ,
      Into | an hon|est house,| our sto|ry says;
            ,           ,       ,        ,          ,     o
      She sings | like^one | immort|al, and | she danc|es
          ,         ,        ,       ,       ,
      As god|dess-like | to her | admir|ed lays:
        T     T    .    T           ,           x         ,     o
      Deep clerks she dumbs,| and with | her needle | compo|ses
       ,          T    T     .  T      T      T    .  T     o
      Nature's | own shape, of bud,| bird, branch or ber|ry,
            x          ,     ,             ,        ,     o
      That even | her art,| sisters | the nat|ural ros|es,
           ,        ,      ,              ,        ,      o
      Her ink|le, silk,| twin with | the rub|ied cher|ry,
            ,        ,           ,        ,       ,
      That pup|ils lacks | she none | of nob|le race,
            ,            ,      ,         ,          ,
      Who pour | their bount|y on | her, and | her gain
            ,           ,       ,          ,         ,
      She gives | the curs|ed bawd.| Here we | her place,
           ,         ,       ,            ,         ,
      And to | her fath|er turn | our thoughts | again,
             ,         ,        ,      ,              ,
      Where we | left him | at sea,| tumbled | and tossed,
             x         ,          ,        ,       ,
      And driven | before | the wind,| he is | arrived
        ,                 ,         ,          ,          ,
      Here where | his daught|er dwells,| and on | this coast,
           ,         ,          x          ,       ,
      Suppose | him now | at anchor:| the cit|y strived
            ,         ,  2     ,          ,            ,
      God Nept|une's an|nual feast | to keep,| from whence
         ,     ,         ,   2    ,       ,
      Lysi|machus | our Tyr|ian ship | espies,
           ,        ,         ,             ,        ,
      His ban|ners sab|le, trimmed | with rich | expense,
           ,        ,         ,           ,        ,
      And to | him in | his barge | with ferv|or hies.
           ,        ,         ,           ,           ,
      In your | suppos|ing, once | more* put | your sight
           ,     ,     ,      T     T   .    T
      Of heav|y Per|icles,| think this his bark,
              ,         ,        ,         ,         ,
      Where what | is done | in act|ion (more | of might
             ,       ,           ,          ,          ,
      Shall be | discov|ered) please | you sit | and hark.

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