presented by Acoustic Learning

Pericles, Prince of Tyre

Act IV, Scene 4

[Enter GOWER, before the monument of MARINA at Tarsus]
             ,         ,           ,         ,             ,
      Thus time | we waste,| and long|est leagues | make^short,
        T    T   .   T         ,        ,           x
      Sail seas in cock|les, have | a wish | but for it:
       ,            ,      ,      ,   ,
      Making | to take | your im|agi|nation,
             ,          ,      ,           ,       o
      From bourn | to bourn,| region | to reg|ion.
          ,      2     ,         ,       ,         ,
      By you | being pard|oned, we | commit | no crime
          ,          ,         ,          ,        ,
      To use | one lang|uage, in | each seve|ral clime,
           2       ,       ,         ,        ,      ,
      Where our scenes | seem to | live. I | do be|seech you
              x      ,          ,     2        ,         ,
      To learn of | me, who | stand in the | gaps to | teach you.
            ,      ,         ,     ,     ,
      The stag|es of | our stor|y Per|icles,
          ,       ,       ,             ,         ,
      Is now | again | thwarting | the way|ward seas;
           ,      ,       ,   2    ,           ,
      (Attend|ed on | by ma|ny a lord | and knight)
          ,           ,        ,           ,         ,
      To see | his daught|er, all | his life's | delight.
           ,    ,       ,       ,        ,
      Old Hel|ican|us goes | along | behind,
           ,        ,       ,         ,         ,
      Is left | to gov|ern it:| you bear | in mind
       ,      ,            ,    ,       ,
      Old Es|canes,| whom Hel|ican|us late
           ,          ,         ,           ,       ,
      Advanced | in time | to great | and high | estate,
              ,        ,           ,    2     ,             ,
      Well* sail|ing ships,| and bount|eous winds | have brought
             ,         ,        ,          ,        ,
      This king | to Tars|us, think | his pil|ot thought
       ,         ,               ,       T      T      T
      So with | his steer|age, shall | your thoughts grow
           ,            ,        ,          ,          ,
      To fetch | his daught|er home,| who first | is gone
        T    T    .    T       ,           ,       ,
      Like motes and shad|ows see | them move | awhile,
             ,       ,          ,          ,      ,
      Your ears | unto | your eyes | I'll rec|oncile.
Enter PERICLES at one door with all his train, CLEON and DIONYZA at the other. CLEON shows PERICLES the tomb, whereat PERICLES makes lamentation, puts on sackcloth, and in a mighty passion departs. Then exeunt CLEON and DIONYZA.
       ,            ,         ,             ,    ,
      See how | belief | may suf|fer by / foul show,
            ,         ,          ,      .    T   T   T
      This bor|rowed pas|sion stands | for true old woe:
           ,     ,        ,       ,         ,
      And Per|icles | in sor|row all | devoured,
             ,       T     T      .   T         ,            x
      With sighs | shot through, and big|gest tears | oreshowered.
         ,    ,                ,        ,           ,
      Leaves Tar/sus, and | again | embarks,| he swears
       ,           ,          ,         ,          ,
      Never | to wash | his face,| nor cut | his hairs,
           ,         ,    ,             ,         ,
      He puts | on sack|cloth and | to sea | he bears,
          ,        ,           ,      ,        ,
      A temp|est which | his mort|al ves|sel tears,
           ,         ,         ,          ,      2     ,
      And yet | he rides | it out.| Now take | we our way
              ,   ,         ,      ,      ,  ,     
      To the epitaph for Marina, writ by Dionyza.  ????
            ,           ,      .    T    T    T
      The fair|est, sweetst,| and best lies here,
            ,        ,          ,          ,
      Who with|ered in | her spring | of year:
           ,        ,    2      ,        ,
      She was | of Tyr|us the king's | daughter,
       .   T    T    T            ,               x
      On whom foul death | hath made | this slaughter:
         ,     ,           ,          ,         ,
      Mari|na was | she called,| and at | her birth,
            ,     2     ,       ,                ,      2      ,
      That is,| being proud,| swallowed | some part | of the earth:
             ,          ,       ,           ,         ,
      Therefore | the earth | fearing | to be | oreflowed
              x        ,     ,                ,            ,
      Hath Thetis' | birth-child / on the | heavens | bestowed.
             ,          ,           ,             ,       ,
      Wherefore | she does | and swears | she'll nev|er stint,
            ,        x    T . T     T          ,
      Make^rag|ing batte|ry upon shores | of flint.
          ,       ,        ,      ,    ,
      No vis|or does | become | black vil/lany,
           ,         ,          ,       ,     ,
      So well | as soft | and tend|er flat|tery.
           ,     ,        ,            ,          ,
      Let Per|icles | believe | his daught|er's dead,
            ,          ,       ,       ,     ,
      And bear | his cours|es to | be ord|ered
          ,      ,         ,           ,            ,
      By La|dy Fort|une, while | our scene | must play
             ,         ,          ,      ,      ,
      His daught|er's woe | and heav|y well-|a-day.
          ,       ,      ,        ,          ,
      In her | unhol|y serv|ice: Pat|ience then,
            ,          ,         ,        ,     ,
      And think | you now | are all | in My|tilene.

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