presented by Acoustic Learning

Pericles, Prince of Tyre

Act II, Prologue

[Enter GOWER]
             ,          ,        ,       ,
      Here have | you seen | a might|y king
            ,        ,     .  T  T    T
      His child,| I wis,| to incest bring:
         ,         ,              ,    ,
      A bet|ter prince | and be/nign lord,
             ,           ,       ,         ,          ,
      That will | prove^aw|ful both | in deed | and word. (!!)
          ,       ,        ,            ,
      Be qui|et then | as men | should be,
            ,           ,        ,     ,
      Till he | hath passed | neces|sity:
             ,          ,          ,         ,
      I'll show | you those | in troub|les reign,
       ,           ,        ,         ,
      Losing | a mite,| a mount|ain gain.
            ,        ,      ,    ,
      The good | in con|versa|tion,
           ,        ,        ,    ,
      To whom | I give | my ben|ison,
           ,           x       T     T   T
      Is still | at Tarsus,| where each man
              ,         ,         ,      ,
      Thinks^all | is writ | he spek|en can:
           ,      ,        ,         ,
      And to | remem|ber what | he does,
        ,           ,           ,          ,    ,
      Build his | statue | to make | him glor|ious: (!!)
           ,        ,         ,     ,
      But tid|ings to | the cont|rary,
             ,        2       ,           ,          ,
      Are brought | to your eyes,| what^need | speak^I?
Enter at one door PERICLES talking with CLEON, all the train with them. Enter at another door, a Gentleman with a letter to PERICLES: PERICLES shows the letter to CLEON, PERICLES gives the Messenger a reward, and knights him.
[Exit PERICLES at one door, and CLEON at another]
            ,     ,            ,          ,
      Good Hel|icane | that stayed | at home,
       T   .  T   T       ,        ,
      Not to eat hon|ey like | a drone,
            ,          x            ,           ,
      From oth|ers' labors;| for though | he strive
          ,       ,      T    T  .  T
      To kil|len bad,| keep good alive:
           ,       ,          ,      2    ,
      And to | fulfil | his princ|e's desire,
        T    T   .  T           ,         ,
      Saved one of all | that haps | in Tyre:
            ,         ,            ,          ,
      How Thal|iard came | full* bent | with sin,
           ,        ,         ,      ,
      And had | intent | to murd|er him;
            ,          x      T   T    T
      And that | in Tarsus | was not best,
        ,           ,         ,          ,
      Longer | for him | to make | his rest:
          ,      ,    T    T    .   T
      He do|ing so,| put forth to seas,
               ,          ,             ,        ,
      Where* when | men^been,| there's sel|dom ease,
           ,          ,        ,         ,
      For now | the wind | begins | to blow,
        ,          ,          ,        ,
      Thunder | above,| and deeps | below,
        T    T   . T        ,          ,
      Make such unqui|et, that | the ship
               ,           ,          ,            ,
      Should house | him safe,| is wrecked | and split,
           ,           ,      ,             ,
      And he |(good prince)| having | all^lost,
           ,            ,          ,           ,
      By waves,| from coast | to coast | is tossed:
           ,     ,        ,         ,
      All per|ishen | of man,| of pelf,
           ,        ,      ,         ,
      Ne aught | escap|en but | himself;
             ,        ,           ,      ,
      Till fort|une tired | with do|ing bad,
        ,            ,          ,          ,
      Threw him | ashore | to give | him glad:
            ,         ,            ,          ,
      And here | he comes;| what shall | be next,
       ,             x            ,           ,
      Pardon | old Gower,| this longs | the text.

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