presented by Acoustic Learning

All's Well That Ends Well

Act III, Scene 3

Florence. Before the DUKE's palace.
[Flourish. Enter the DUKE of Florence, BERTRAM, PAROLLES, Soldiers, Drum, and Trumpets]
            ,       ,         ,           ,         ,
      The gene|ral of | our horse | thou art,| and we
        ,              ,     ,          T    T   .    T       2->
      Great in | our hope,| lay our | best love and cred||ence
        ,          ,    2    ,
      Upon | thy prom|ising for|tune.
                                       ,        ,
                                      Sir,| it is
      .    T    T    T     ,           ,           ,
      A charge too heav|y for | my strength,| but yet
               ,          ,               ,    ,       ,
      We'll strive | to bear | it for / your worth|y sake,
             2     ,     ,        ,     2
      To* the ex/treme edge | of haz|ard.
                                                ,           ,
                                          Then go | thou* forth,
           ,         ,      ,          ,    2      ,
      And for|tune play | upon | thy pros|perous helm
          ,        ,        ,       2
      As thy | auspic|ious mist|ress.
                                            ,     ,
                                      This ver|y day
              ,       ,        ,       ,         ,
      Great^Mars | I put | myself | into | thy file,  ??
        ,             ,           ,          ,           ,
      Make me | but like | my thoughts,| and I | shall prove
         ,      ,         ,     ,           ,
      A lov|er of | thy drum,| hater | of love.

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